Back in 2009, I wrote about the Iles family reunions. Check the link for some photos. We had our last one 24 years ago, in 1995 in Kolapore, Town of the Blue Mountains, Grey County, Ontario, Canada. My mother passed away the following January. The ones we had in the past were for the descendants of my great-grandfather George Iles.
Well it is about time we had another one. This time it is planned for the descendants of my grandparents, William George Iles and Lily Dudley. Except for an aunt by marriage, all the children and their spouses are deceased. I am now part of the senior generation (although certainly not the oldest). One of my cousins is turning 80 in August and his family decided why not have a reunion and extend it beyond his siblings and their descendants. When I was contacted, I said, let's do it.
We have had one planning meeting. My sister and I are helping them to get the word out. Thanks to Facebook and email, I am making connections with the descendants of a couple lines. Since the last reunion, some who attended as young children have children of their own.
In preparation, I as a genealogist want to include some family history. I have prepared a four generations couples hourglass chart. I based it on the 5 generation couples hourglass chart using Excel found in the Facebook Group "Genedocs Templates" files. The chart shows my grandparents in the centre with their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. I added my grandparents photo. It would be from around the time they married. I also put at the bottom of the chart the name of each of their children who lived to adulthood and their spouses names.
Here is a screenshot of a portion of it.
I am having the chart enlarged and I will have it on display at the reunion in August. I will likely post photos of past reunions.
I am looking forward to seeing cousins who I haven't seen in years and to meet new ones for the first time. It will be potluck for the first course and of course birthday cake.
© 2019 Janet Iles

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