It was not good news; Bessie's grandpa had been badly hurt while working in the barn. Two slightly different accounts appeared in the newspapers that let us know what happened. The first is from an unidentified newspaper.
Caught by a wheel of the rack-lifter which was used to elevate the loads of grain, he was thrown through the end of the barn, and dropped a descent of twenty feet outside. The accident was caused by the rope which is drawn by horses to elevate the load, breaking when the load was nearly up in position. Mr. Love was apparently trying to get the dog in position in the cogs of the wheel, in order to check its rapid revolution, caused by the weight of the descending load, when he overbalanced himself and falling was carried to his death.
This second one according to Manitoulin Roots was from The Recorder, Thursday, August 27, 1914.
While unloading oats in his barn at Mindemoya on Friday morning Mr. James Love met a sudden and painful death. He was standing on a beam at the top of the barn operating part of the unloader when the rope gave away and the heavy load drew the machine back suddenly, catching him in the side as it went and throwing him out through the side of the barn falling on his face in the barn yard. When picked up, he was unconscious and never revived, passing away at noon. The force with which he was thrown may be imagined from the fact that when his body struck the wall of the barn the boards were smashed and his body landed at least ten feet away from the barn. He was badly bruised and possibly injured internally.Dr. R. W. [Robert William] Davis signed the physician's return of death. He cited the cause of death as shock due to a fall. Did they take James to Mindemoya to the doctor's office (no hospital in 1914) or did the doctor come to the farm?
James was only 62 years old when he died. James had lived on Manitoulin Island since September 1870. During the winter of 1871-1872, he returned to Southern Ontario for a short time.
So what do I know about James Love, my great-grandfather.
It was not until 10 May 1884 that James received the deed to his property. The deed read:
James Love and Thomas Love, both of the Township of Carnarvon in the District of Algoma in the province of Ontario in our Dominion of Canada, Farmers, Heirs at law of the late Robert Love deceased and assignees of Agnes Vincer, mother of the said late Robert Love deceased, and the assignee of Thomas Shortreed, who is the original purchaser, contracted and agreed to and with our Superintendent of General of Indian Affairs duly authorized by us in his behalf for the absolute purchase at and for the price and sum of eighty dollars . . . Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 4th Concession and Lots 14, 15, 3rd Concession and Lot 15, 2nd Concession to have and hold assured unto the said James Love and Thomas Love their respective heirs. 10 day May 1884.
James was a Presbyterian and attended the church in Mindemoya. At first, they worshiped in the log school house. The Methodists and Presbyterians shared the same frame building built in 1886/1887. The ministers preached on alternate Sundays. James served as an elder and was for twenty years the Sunday School superintendent. People gathered for prayer meetings in their home. James "had a warm interest in all who loved the Lord, irrespective of their denominational name."
This photo was taken on 29 June, 1914, less than two months before his death. He was a large man "with a strong frame". He was described as having "good judgment and kindly heart" that "raised him to a position of comfort, influence and favor in the community."
Had his father not had this accident and died, would his son John have been expected or required to sign up for military service or would he have been exempt as a farmer? Would James' daughter Margaret have left home and got married instead of caring for her mother until her death? We will never know.
It was a sad and difficult time for James' family but he also left a void in the community with his passing.
[1] Although, Canada had automatically became part of the war when Great Britain declared War on August 4, Canada formally declared their participation on August 19, 1914.
August 21, 1914 - Total Solar Eclipse ( : accessed 1 March 2014)
James Love obituaries in "The Love-Vincer Family" compiled by Mary Love, Effie Williamson and Pat Costigan, loose leaf format, undated, unpaged.
James Love Ontario death registration #020056 (21 August 1914); digital image, ( : 23 December 2007); digital image, citing microfilm MS 935 reel 210, Archives of Ontario, Toronto.
"Greensville" Ontario Rural Routes ( : accessed 9 March 2014)
University of Michigan Library, Great Lakes Maritime Database ( :accessed 20 March 2014)
Rick Salen & Jack Salen. The Tobermory Shipwrecks. Tobermory: Mariner Chart Shop, 1976. p. 74
James Love - Elizabeth Fields Robinson Ontario marriage registration #001011 (14 November 1876), microfilm MS 932 Reel 23, Archives of Ontario, Toronto.
"Mindemoya Pastoral Charge Joint Needs Assessment Committee Report" ( : accessed 5 March 2014).
© 2014 Janet Iles

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