Monday, July 30, 2007

Homecoming 2007

Homecoming 2007 began on Friday. I registered on Friday morning. Saturday morning, I headed downtown. Once I found a place to park, I walked along part of 2nd Avenue East where the Hottest Yard Sale was taking place. I didn't stop and browse as my goal was to go down to the harbour. I took several photos with my new camera. There was a good crowd.

If you want to see photos taken at some of the events during Homecoming go to If you take some great photos you can upload them to the site also.

Here is a photo I took.


  1. Hi Janet, did you get a tour of the Russell Brothers tug?? Adrian & I did, out tourguide was 9 years old!

  2. No, I didn't tour the boat but it was great to walk along the waterfront and see all the boats and all the people enjoying the day.


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