Friday, December 22, 2017

Blog Caroling -- Mary's Boy Child

There are so many beautiful Christmas Carols that it is always difficult to pick one. Then you need to find an arrangement you like.

The video I shared in 2017 is no longer available for sharing.

This year I have chosen "Mary's Boy Child". I wanted an arrangement that moved along. During this year's Advent Walk held in Owen Sound with the four churches at Salvation Corners, this was one of the numbers that we sang. We were at the Church of the Nazarene, the first stop of the evening. The music accompaniment was made with drum, guitar, piano and organ. Everyone sang out. 

Thank you to footnoteMaven for hosting the 2017 blog caroling.

 © 2017 Janet Iles


1 comment:

  1. I think this is a beautiful carol and enjoy it every time I hear it. It is not one that I've ever sung before, though, not in my childhood or as an adult. (Not sure why that is.) Thanks for sharing.


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