Friday, December 4, 2009

Advent Calendar of Memories - Chistmas Cards

Did your family send them? Did your family display the ones they received? Do you still send Christmas cards? 

Our family sent Christmas cards. My mom kept track of those she sent and received in a Christmas Card address book. We displayed our Christmas cards in different ways. We had an iron tree form that held cards. Special cards might be placed singly on a table or the television.   After Christmas was over, we would re-read the cards with their notes and letters. I have a large  box of Christmas cards that were received through the years.  I recently weeded out those that didn't have special notes or ones from my parents' friends who I didn't know.

I still send Christmas cards. My list is not as long as my mom’s but I have some with whom I keep in touch with once a year. I look forward to hearing the thump as the mail is dropped through the mail slot. I run to see what has come. I am eager to hear the news from friends and relatives.

Some years, I have made my own computer generated Christmas cards.  Below is a collage showing the card that I sent to those with whom I travelled in 2001 to Germany to explore where our ancestors had lived. The building is the Town hall in Altona, the port from which our ancestors sailed in 1792. That building was not built until 1895-8. The group shown are a few of my fellow travellers enjoying our last day relaxing on a mini Rhine Cruise.

© 2009 Janet Iles

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