Friday, October 17, 2008

5 by 5

Additions added in orange.

I've been tagged by Wendy at All my Branches and Terry at Hill Country of Monroe County and Kathryn at Looking for Ancestors to participate in the meme started by Randy at Geneamusings. This has been passed around over the last few days.

10 years ago I
1. did not keep a very good calendar of my activities [now as an almost retired person, I must keep my calendars up-to-date]
2. was working full time as the Public Servies and Systems Coordinator at the OSNGUPL
3. put siding on the cottage that at that time I co-owned with my siblings
4. was more active in the Ontario Association of Library Technicians/Association des bibliotechniciens de l'Ontario
5. was past president of the United Church Women at our church.
6. I just checked my hard drive. I did a draft genealogy of my mother's side of the family. I gave it to a few people. - done on my computer and put in a 3 ring binder

5 Things on Today's to do list
1. Attend Chamber of Commerce Business Women's Breakfast - starts at 8 a.m. [done - heard talk on Quantam Biofeedback and demonstration; I won a door prize - free manicure plus a few other items.]
2. Read blogs [done - may read more before the day is out.]
3. Prepare for the Nellie McClung event on Sunday [did some work - will finish getting everything ready tomorrow.]
4. Walk [done - I walked about 8,000 steps while watching a hockey tournament with very young players - an added bonus - brought back memories of my nephews playing hockey - didn't walk then just watched. Today's count is over the target 10,000 steps.]
5. Work on upcoming talk to the Golden K group - "Home is where your story begins". [I have done some work but much more to do.]
6. Not originally planned but put some summer gardening items and chairs away.

5 Snacks I enjoy (when I indulge)
1. Chocolate Chip Cookies
2. Pringles Potato Chips
3. Crackers
4. Frozen yoghurt
5. Almost anything chocolate

5 Places I have lived
1. Owen Sound
2. London, Ontario [during one year of teacher's college]
3. St. Joseph's Island [during one year of teaching French to 5 schools on and off the island]
4. Oakville, Ontario [during two years taking my Library Technician diploma]
5. Georgian Bluffs (Derby portion) since 1985.

5 Jobs I have had
1. babysitter
2. Produce clerk and cashier in my parent's supermarket
3. Elementary School teacher
4. Library Technician with various titles 30 plus years
5. Genealogist/Historical Researcher

5 Geneabloggers I'm passing this on to (getting hard to find someone who has not been tagged at least once)
Amy at Amy's Genealogy, etc. Blog
Brett at Photo-Sleuth
Amir at I dream of genealogy
Lori at Smoky Mountain Historian
Paula at Paula Goff Christy's Blog


  1. Thanks for the tag! You're right -- it was hard finding people who hadn't been tagged already!

  2. Okay, I'm tagged, but I'm afraid I'm going to cop out on this, as I'm finding it hard to find the time to read the blogs, let alone compile some articles for my own. Sorry, Janet, but I'm sure you understand. Regards, Brett


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