Friday, August 8, 2008

Genea-blogger Group Games

During the next couple of weeks, some of the genea-bloggers who are part of the Genea-bloggers group on Facebook are participating in some small games of our own.

We are not competing against each other but we are challenging ourselves to do some of the activities. The challenges that have been chosen are ones that are already on the list of goals of many genealogists. During the next two weeks, it may not be realistic for many of us to achieve everything but there is something that might capture the interest of participants.

There are five categories from which to choose to enter. In each, the organizers have placed several events.

1. Go Back and Cite Your Sources!

2. Back Up Your Data!

3. Organize Your Research!

4. Write, Write, Write!

5. Reach Out & Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness!

So here are my event categories as determined by my goals for 2008 and are realistic for me to work on during the next two weeks. (I will be watching the Olympic games on the TV and cheering on participants from my country and routing for all participants to do their best so I will not be at my computer as often. I am also taking some holidays during this time.)

1. Go Back and Cite Your Sources!

3. Organize Your Research!

4. Write, Write, Write

In each event category, my goal is to complete at least two of the challenges.

All the best to all who have taken up this challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janet!

    I am Mechie from

    I would love to participate in the next Genea-bloggers Group Games! Please let me know how I can get involved, sounds like a fun (and interesting) time to be had.

    Blog on!:-)


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