Saturday, June 1, 2019

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks: Week 21 Military

What did I learn from my grandfather's, William George Iles, military personnel record?

For many years, we in Canada have had only access to the Attestation papers for World War I soldiers. Last year, Library & Archives Canada completed the digitization of the personnel files and had posted to its website, links to the files as a grouping was completed.

My grandfather's military record confirmed for me that he left for overseas when my father was very young. Two months after my dad's birth, he arrived in Liverpool, England.

His record showed me what I expected to find in his record: when he was taken on strength; any transfers, when he had leave, etc.

What surprised me, is that the records included where his family lived. I was also surprised to find out the family moved more than once. The military needed this information to send any money to my grandmother or grandfather.

1066 3rd Avenue East, Owen Sound
Attestation papers

10 August 1918
721 10th Street East, Owen Sound
Military record
 721, 10th Street East, Owen Sound
1255 2nd Avenue East, Owen Sound
Last military pay? 1919?

16 January 1928
295, 7th Avenue East, Owen Sound
Active militia

This has led me to add to this inventory of addresses. I checked information census records, city directories, and the birth registrations of the children that are now public. I can also check any old city telephone directories that are available at the local public library.

Now this is also has me thinking, should I not also check the military records for his siblings to find out where they lived? -- Harold Edward was killed in action on 8 August 1918 and his brother, Emmanuel who also served. Harold was still single and his address was the same as his father, George Iles when he signed up. Emmanuel was not married when he signed up, but he was not living at home. He was living in Berlin, Ontario (renamed Kitchener) but gave his father's address as his next of kin at 1529 9th Avenue East.

Clearly, you can learn more about the family through these personnel records.
2019 Janet Iles Print

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