Saturday, August 23, 2008

Genea-Bloggers Group Games Final Reporting

This is my final report of what I have achieved during the last two weeks as a participant in the Genea-Blogger Group Games. This activity is part of the activities of the Genea-blogger Group on Facebook. I am thankful we were on Pacific Time.

I participated in 3 events (not that the others didn't merit my attention but I decided I would be realistic in my choices and in what I could do in that time frame.).

1. Go Back and Cite Your Sources
B - 20 sources (citations on documents in digital files and in my software program)

Achieved - Silver Medal

Lessons Learned - Create templates or quick words in Word so that you can remember all the components and to save time in repetitive typing. When saving digital files, copy the typed citation into your software program. Take down all details when downloading a document (note the original film number) or when printing from microfilm so that you can formulate the citation in the correct format. I have still much to do in the clean up area to bring the citations to the current standards, but this was a good beginning. For Canadian documents, Alison Hare, CG has created and posted a 4 page guide to Canadian citations on the website of the Association of Professional Genealogists, Ontario Chapter that is very helpful for those with Canadian connections.

3. Organize Your Research!
I have completed
B - organized 24 digital files
D - organized 20 digital photos
E - scanned 20 photos

Achieved - Gold Medal

Lessons Learned - Organizing is very time consuming. It is good to set up an organization system and decide on the types and formats and keywords that would be used. My library background really wants me to have consistency in terms. Add property information as you go along so it doesn't seem like a chore.

4. Write, Write, Write
I have completed
A - summary of what my blog is about
B - Participate in a genealogy blog carnival
C - prepared several posts in draft mode and then scheduled them to be published
D - wrote a brief sketch of one of my ancestors

Achieved - Diamond Medal

Lessons Learned - I learned how to schedule posts.

Congratulations to all the other participants. See you all at the closing ceremonies on Monday at Destination: Austin Family Thank you to all the work of the organizers.

Final tally - One silver , one gold and one diamond.

Watch for my flag in the closing ceremony.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your medals! I'm impressed with the extraordinary efforts put out by all the participants. A special thanks to Thomas, Miriam and Kathryn for their efforts organizing both the Genea-Bloggers group and these games. What a wonderful way to build community!


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