Early on in my blogging experience, I talked about different styles of learning and especially visual learning. On Sunday morning as I was reading my blogs in my feeds - Successful blog and Liz Strauss introduced her readers to Wordie. I went and tried it out. First I tried it with my url of my blog - Janet the Researcher. Because I don't put my name of my blog or my name in the postings, they are not included. I noticed it focused on words from my most recent blogs.
I also did one where you can enter your own set of words. Repeating key words over and over will increase their size. I experimented with one concerning the Grey County Historical Society. I didn't save it or print it out so I will try it again.
Yesterday, I read Footnotemaven's post about Wordie. How could we use this tool to promote our blogs? She challenged anyone who created a t-shirt with their wordie creation related to their geneablog to post a comment on her site.
Yes, I too have joined Facebook recently but I still love and prefer blogging and writing so that is where most of my free computer time will be focused.
Update: Here is a direct link to Wordie
I spent way too long playing with this today. lol I made one of my surnames and put it on my sidebar. I did come up with a design for my garden blog that includes the url. Now all I have to do is convince my sister that we make t-shirts for Garden Walk. So far I've avoided facebook, I guess because my students use it so much.