Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas - How many shopping days left?

December 19 - Christmas Shopping

How did your family handle Christmas Shopping? Did anyone finish early or did anyone start on Christmas Eve?

I do not recall anyone during my childhood/youth being last minute shoppers. My mother was a list maker and kept track of the gift giving as well as those gifts received in her notebooks . I am sure things were not left to the last minute as Christmas time was always a busy time in the grocery business. I still have the tiny notebooks. The earliest that I can find with the list of gifts written in shorthand was in 1955.

Gifts purchased have a check mark beside them. This is only page one of two for that year. Mom had gifts to purchase that had to be sent by mail so she would have to get those away early. She gave gifts to her siblings and her nieces and nephews. I can remember when there was enough mail around Christmas that we received two deliveries a day by Canada Post.
What did I get from mom and dad that year? -- Slippers, pyjamas, and telephone (toy of course)

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